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Easter eggs could help you see better
Happy Easter. With any luck you may have been given an egg or two and if you’re anything like me you may now be contemplating just how bad it is to eat 2 Easter Eggs in 2 days.
Love your lenses
Every year the General Optical Council runs a 'Love Your Lenses Week' to promote healthy contact lens wear. Here's their advice on how to safely wear lenses. Contact lenses are enjoyed safely and loved by millions of people.
12 Signs your Child needs an eye test now
One or both eyes turning (inwards, outwards, up or down) even if intermittently. Your child may have a muscle imbalance which can be treated by exercises, or they may have strabismus (squint) which can require spectacles, exercises, patching or operation.
The Importance of Eye Tests for Children
As with many aspects of health, the earlier that an eye problem can be detected, the better. If problems with vision are not identified at an early stage of life, it can affect a child’s education and could hold back their development.
How Does Smoking Affect Your Eye Health?
People connect smoking with a wide range of health issues and there is a great deal of awareness regarding how it can impact the lungs and the heart, how it can harm your skin and how it speeds up the ageing process.
All work and no play makes you short sighted.
The News Researchers from the University of Bristol have found that spending more time in education is linked to higher levels of myopia (short sightedness).
Diabetic? This new test could save your sight
By 2025 5 million people in the UK will have been diagnosed with a sight threatening condition, diabetes. With half of all sufferers unaware that they have diabetes, the resulting loss of vision caused by the disease is a serious concern.
World Glaucoma Week 2018
It's World Glaucoma Week. So here are a few of the most popular glaucoma questions answered.
Optician Awards 2018
This year brings a whole new level to the Optician Awards. Alisdair was invited to be one of the judges at the Optician Awards 2018.
FREE Glaucoma Event
IMPORTANT GLAUCOMA NEWS Did you know that 10% of people currently receiving treatment for glaucoma lose more of their sight each year? Don't be one of these statistics. Correct diagnosis, monitoring and with the right control, you needn’t lose any eyesight.
Why you should only buy sunglasses from the expert
Already got some sunglasses? It may be time to replace them. Let me tell you why... Consumer magazine Which? found that 71% of the sunglasses purchased from large high street stores failed the British Standard.
Alisdair awarded Optometrist of the Year 2017
Despite leaving the lucky Tartan bow tie at home this year, for the 5th time in as many years, Alisdair walked away from the Optician Awards on Saturday with a shiny new trophy in hand. He was voted UK Optometrist of the Year 2017.
Glaucoma Awareness week
Happy Glaucoma Awareness week! Glaucoma affects approximately half a million people in the UK, but 300,000 of those with the condition remain undiagnosed. Early diagnosis and precise treatment are imperative to prevent sight loss.
Is Alisdair the best Optometrist in the UK?
Alisdair has been shortlisted as one of the top 6 Optometrists in the UK and will find out if he has won at the Optician Awards in Birmingham on the 1st April. Having won 3 previous Optician awards we have our fingers crossed that Alisdair can make it number 4.
Quit smoking for healthier eyes
8th March is National No Smoking Day. So here are a few facts to get you or your smoking friends motivated to quit. Smokers are 42 % more likely to get cataracts. They are also at increased risk of glaucoma.