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Complaints Procedure

Whilst we constantly endeavour to ensure that you are pleased with all aspects of the service we offer, from time to time, things go wrong. In the unlikely event, follow the procedure outlined below to resolve the problem.

Stage One: Make a Complaint (local resolution).

Make your complaint within 12 months. Go directly to the person involved. Talk to them about what happened and what you would like to be done about it. It may clear the air.


Alternatively, please write to the practice manager or the Head Office address below and explain your complaint.


Buchanan Optometrists Ltd

Buchanan House

56 Malling Road





or email [email protected]


We will confirm receipt of your complaint within 30 days. We typically expect complaints to be resolved within 45 days but within a maximum time frame of 6 months.


If you cannot complain, someone else, usually a relative or close friend, can complain on your behalf. We will respond to you within thirty days.

Make your complaint as soon as possible. Usually, we will only investigate complaints made within 12 months of the event or made within 12 months of you realising that you have something to complain about.


If your complaint concerns NHS Services provided, then you may complain directly to the complaints manager of the local Primary Care Trust. Your complaint will be acknowledged within three days, and you will be provided with a “complaints handling plan” to agree on how the complaint will be investigated.


We typically expect complaints to be resolved within 45 days but within a maximum time frame of 6 months.


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the local resolution, you must take your complaint for independent review.


Stage Two: Independent Review

If you are still unhappy after completing the above procedure, you can appeal to the Optical Consumer Complaints Service. 


Optical Consumer Complaints Service

6 Market Square

Bishops Stortford,

Hertfordshire, CM23 3UZ


Phone: 0844 800 5701

Web: www.opticalcomplaints.co.uk